Postpartum massage therapy is a specialized form of massage designed to address the physical and emotional needs of new mothers. These issues include postural problems and muscle pain associated with taking care of babies, sleep deprivation, stress relief, and much more.
- Reduces muscle tension and improves posture:
The physical demands that come with being a new parent can lead to aches and pains in the back, shoulders, and pelvic area. Postpartum massage helps alleviate these discomforts from breastfeeding, baby wearing, and prolonged sitting.
- Improves sleep:
Postpartum massage can help improve sleep quality and promote parasympathetic stimulation, both of which are essential for new mothers who are often exhausted.
- Reduces stress and anxiety:
Massage therapy can help alleviate stress and anxiety, which are common during the postpartum period.
A postpartum massage can be administered in a face up/down position, or in the side lying position if that is more comfortable at that point. Your concerns will be addressed as well as areas that tend to need extra care after pregnancy, childbirth, and baby wearing. These include the front of the neck, chest, arms, and abdominal area. Common issues that can be addressed in a postpartum massage session include:
- Neck pain from looking down for long periods of time due to breastfeeding and looking down at the baby.
- Low back pain from prolonged sitting.
- Chest (pectoral) release to combat shortening of muscles used to hold babies.
- Abdominal massage for C-section desensitization, moving organs back in place, and tonifying abdominal muscles.
Receiving postpartum massage can happen as soon as you are feeling ready to leave the house and receive massage. A doctor’s note is not required, however I suggest receiving clearance from your doctor if you delivered via cesarean.
The postpartum period is commonly acknowledged as six to eight weeks after childbirth, however there are a plethora of postpartum issues that people experience well after that time period (even years). If you are experiencing pain, discomfort, or stress from childbirth, taking care of babies/children, breastfeeding, C-section scar issues, you can receive a postpartum massage!
- I am confident in administering safe and effective massage techniques that are specific to many common postpartum complaints like neck pain, back pain, C-section scar sensitivity, and abdominal healing.
- I have received many hours of continuing education specific to addressing common issues of the postpartum client.
- I offer both a prone/supine massage or a side lying massage depending on what is more comfortable at whatever point postpartum you are; I use a breast cut out pillow which makes laying face down on enlarged breasts easier and much more comfortable.
- I value your communication and feedback - I want to work together to help you reach your goals.
- Consult your doctor:
It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting postpartum massage if you have experienced complications or a high risk pregnancy.
- Please reach out to me via email
if you have any specific questions regarding what to expect in a massage session at